
This month’s winners have been posted on our gallery:

Stills – Portfolio:

1st Place Open – Fletcher Forbes
2nd Place Open – Cameron Azad
3rd Place Open – Bill Van Antwerp

1st Place Novice – Richard Todd
2nd Place Novice – Tabby Stone
3rd Place Novice – Chris Askew

Click here to see all the winning images

Video – 3-minute Edited:

1st Place Open – Nannette Van Antwerp
2nd Place Open – Dwight Crumb
3rd Place Open – Dwight Crumb

1st Place Novice – John Forbes
2nd Place Novice – Vickie Elson

Click here to see all the winning videos


1st Place: Fletcher Forbes

Please join us on 7:30pm Wednesday, May 20, in the Times Mirror Room at the Natural History Museum.

PLEASE NOTE that the old entrance to the Times Mirror Room is not accessible at present. Enter on the north side of the building as though heading to the upstairs classroom (the location currently described in our directions page), but instead of taking the elevator upstairs hang a right and follow the signs that Leslie is going to post for us.

Our speaker this month is photographer Andrew Sallmon, a freelance commercial underwater photographer specializing in images for diving publications, marine wildlife, natural history books, and corporate advertising.

Thousands of his images have been published to date, some gracing the walls of notables such as the Smithsonian Institute and the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Besides his work as a photographer, Andy stays busy topside as a sales representative for Sea and Sea, Light & Motion and Beneath the Surface Products. He is also the U.S. Navy’s underwater photography instructor for the newly formed U.S. Coast Guard dive team.

Andy will begin the night with a presentation on photographing California’s large marine life. He will also give us a short talk about some of the latest uw photo equipment from Sea and Sea, Light & Motion and Beneath the Surface Products:

  • Sea and Sea – New housings for SLR: Nikon D810, Canon 7DMk2, 5DS and R, and Mirrorless Sony A7R and A6000. Also Optical YS TTL converters.
  • Light & Motion – New Sola imaging lights, Sola Video Pro 8000, Sola Video 3000 and Sola Video 2100/1200.
  • Beneath the Surface – New aluminum ball-jointed arms and clamps and the new buoyancy float system.

Visit his website at


Please submit minicomp entries using the upload form by 11:59pm MONDAY, MAY 18. (Note early deadline to give us time to deal with the portfolios)

Video entries may also be brought on thumb drive to the meeting, or you can arrange with the webmaster to send them via email, Dropbox, or other method.