
May 2014 Portfolio (Stills) 1st Place Open - Kevin Lee 2nd Place Open - Fletcher Forbes 3rd Place Open - Kelly Bracken 1st Place Novice - Vickie Elson 2nd Place Novice - Robert McKenna Video 3-minute Edited: 1st Place Open - Nannette Van Antwerp, "Indonesia: Not the Usual Suspects" 2nd Place Open - Anastasia Laity, "Why Here?" 1st Place Novice - John Forbes, "Philippines Crabs" 2nd Place Novice - Klaus Biber, "Mary Celestia"

1st Place May Portfolio: Kevin Lee

Please join us in the Times Mirror room of the Natural History Museum at 7:30pm, Wednesday May 21, for a presentation by award-winning freediver and underwater photographer DeeDee Flores. DeeDee is the directory of Samy's Camera's underwater photo and video division. She has also worked as a photo pro aboard the Kona Aggressor and in competitive freediving and freediving photography. She will be talking to us about freediving to photograph large animals.


MAY MINICOMPS: This month we will be voting on "Portfolio" (for still photographers), "3-minute Edited" (for video), and also on last month's video minicomp which was delayed due to technical difficulties. TRIP REPORTS We love having one or two people share their dive experiences at the beginning of meetings, so if you have a short trip report (about 5 minutes) you'd like to share, please e-mail the webmaster.