
We hope you can all make the LAUPS annual banquet on Saturday, January 31st 2015, at the Ports O'Call restaurant in San Pedro, CA. The cost is $40 for chicken, fish or vegetarian meals; $45 for filet mignon.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 21 at the latest so we can give our head count to the venue!

RSVP and pay on our website:

Cocktails are at 6:30-7:30, followed by Dinner & Awards.

This year, Tony Frank has donated the following items we'll be raffling off at the banquet:

Sola Video 3000 light
Sola Spotter 1200 light

Last night's minicomp topics were "Portraits" (photos) and "In Flight" (video). The winners have been posted in our gallery:

November 2014 Minicomp Winners

1st Place Open - Jeff Laity
2nd Place Open - Mike Couffer
3rd Place Open - Dana Rodda
1st Place Novice - Michael Katz
2nd Place Novice - Michael Katz

1st Place - Anastasia Laity
2nd Place - Dana Rodda
3rd Place - Nannette Van Antwerp

We also had our 5-minute Edited Video competition:
5-minute Edited Video
1st Place - Nannette Van Antwerp
2nd Place - Dana Rodda
3rd Place - Anastasia Laity


1st Place: Jeff Laity