
Please join us on Wednesday, October 17 at 7:30 pm, at the Natural History Museum (Times Mirror Room unless otherwise noted) for a presentation by Bill and Nannette Van Antwerp: "The Creatures of the Night".

Every night, billions of tons of strange and wonderful creatures come up from the deep.  This vertical migration which is one of the largest migrations on earth originally was discovered by US Navy ships using a new-fangled device called Sonar during the later stages of World War II.  Imagine being Captain of a ship and seeing a very large “something” coming up from the deep to check you out and for all practical purposes looking like a flock of submarines.  

We will be talking a bit about the who’s, how’s and why’s of this group of animals and show some pictures and some amazing video of some of the cooler critters we have seen.

If you have done enough reef dives you will have seen most every interesting creature of the reef but in the black water almost every dive you will find something that you not only have not seen before but often times that you didn’t even know existed.

Bill Van Antwerp is the current president of LAUPS and works as the Chief Scientific Officer for a start-up company trying to help people with diabetes.  He has been shooting photos underwater for over 15 years using a variety of systems from compact to DSLR and specializes in nudibranchs on a stage and other macro subjects.  His wife, Nannette, a retired engineer and also an LAUPS board member, shoots underwater video and is an avid critter spotter.  Together they travel the world hitting diving hot spots from Alaska to Indonesia shooting a variety of subjects, but both have a special love for the ocean's smaller inhabitants.


October Competition:

Please see our submission instructions.  Entries due by 11:59pm Monday, October 15

Video entries may also be brought on thumb drive*** to the meeting, or you can  send them via email (, Dropbox, WeTransfer, or other method.

***If you are entering a video that you are bringing in on a thumb drive, you must declare your intended entry by Monday midnight, so we will know whether we are able to have both open and novice competitions or a single combined category.




September Minicomp  - "Flowers of the Sea" 

Click here to see all the winning images

1st Place – Tony Frank
2nd Place  – Abe Rolick
3rd Place  – Richard Todd


1st Place Open: Tony Frank