
February Minicomp  - "Eyes"

Click here to see all the winning images

1st Place – Kevin Lee
2nd Place  – Fletcher Forbes
3rd Place  – Abe Rolick


1st Place: Kevin Lee

Please join us on Wednesday, February 20 at 7:30 pm, at the Natural History Museum (Times Mirror Room unless otherwise noted) for a presentation by our museum liaison and longtime member Leslie Harris.

Fascinating Flatworms:  The colorful marine forms beloved by underwater photographers are just a small portion of this amazing group. Voracious predators, commensals, and parasites! Penis fencing! Mimicry! Zombie slave masters!  Flatworms have a major impact on animal life and that includes humans.


Artist: Spark

February Competition:

Please see our submission instructions.  Entries due by 11:59pm Monday, February 18

Video entries may also be brought on thumb drive*** to the meeting, or you can  send them via email (, Dropbox, WeTransfer, or other method.

***If you are entering a video that you are bringing in on a thumb drive, you must declare your intended entry by Monday midnight, so we will know whether we are able to have both open and novice competitions or a single combined category.




Reminder: Sign up for the 2018 LAUPS Banquet!


Saturday March 16
6:30pm - cocktail hour starts (cash bar)
Followed by dinner (see below), slideshow and 2018 Minicomp awards


Del Rey Yacht Club
13900 Palawan Way
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292


Entree: choice of
1. Roasted Chicken - $55
2. New York Strip Steak - $55
3. Vegetarian - $45

Dessert: choice of:
1. Flourless Chocolate Cake
2. Apple Tart

To sign up, please pay using:

IMPORTANT: In the 'add note' function please include a list of guests with their entree/dessert choices