
Please join us on Wednesday, August 15 at 7:30 pm, at the Natural History Museum (room TBD).

This month's speaker will be yours truly (Anastasia Laity), describing our recent road trip to Bahia de Los Angeles on the Sea of Cortez to snorkel with whale sharks.


JuAugustly Competition:

Please see our submission instructions.  Entries due by 11:59pm Monday, August 13.

Video entries may also be brought on thumb drive*** to the meeting, or you can  send them via email (, Dropbox, WeTransfer, or other method.

***If you are entering a video that you are bringing in on a thumb drive, you must declare your intended entry by Monday midnight, so we will know whether we are able to have both open and novice competitions or a single combined category.


Please join us on Wednesday, July 18 at 7:30 pm, at the Natural History Museum (room TBD), for a presentation by two speakers from LA County Lifeguards who will teach us how to dive safe by being able to read the Online Forecasts from NOAA and other agencies.

Nannette and Bill will also be giving a short talk on some interesting diving they've been up to lately.


July Competition:

Please see our submission instructions.  Entries due by 11:59pm Monday, July 16.

Video entries may also be brought on thumb drive*** to the meeting, or you can  send them via email (, Dropbox, WeTransfer, or other method.

***If you are entering a video that you are bringing in on a thumb drive, you must declare your intended entry by Monday midnight, so we will know whether we are able to have both open and novice competitions or a single combined category.