
Thanks to everyone who came out for February's meeting! And special thanks to Leslie Harris, who took us on an after-hours tour of some of the museum's galleries. The photographers had the place to themselves - we'll be seeing some of their work at next month's meeting. Last night's minicomp topic was "Hidden in Plain Sight", and the winners have been posted in our gallery:

February 2014 Minicomp Winners

Stills: 1st Place - Chris Askew 2nd Place - Jeff Laity 3rd Place - Mike Couffer Video: 1st Place - Anastasia Laity 2nd Place - Dana Rodda 3rd Place - Dana Rodda Congratulations!

1st Place: Chris Askew

FEBRUARY 19 MEETING: Night at the Museum Please join us in the Times Mirror room of the Natural History Museum at 7:30pm, Wednesday February 19. At this month's meeting, in lieu of a speaker, our museum liaison Leslie Harris has a special treat for us: a chance to wander through the museum and photograph the exhibits with no crowds! In March we will have a bonus minicomp to see who took the best museum pics, so bring your cameras! FEBRUARY MINICOMP: "Hidden in Plain Sight" This month’s minicomp topic for stills and video is "Hidden in Plain Sight." Please submit your entries using our upload form no later than 11:59pm Tuesday February 18. Please note new rule for 2014: To encourage meeting attendance, we're going to try something a little different this year and require that minicomp winners be present at the meeting. From Bill's email to the membership:

"To win this year you need to be present at the meeting (the same as OCUPS). That doesn't mean we don't want you to submit photos if you can't be there and we will certainly show all the submissions each month but again, you can only win if you are there. The mini comp themes are on the website and we look forward to a lot of interesting competitions this year. If we get enough submissions from either outside of LA or from folks not at a meeting we will have a judging at the end of the year to see who wins the best "I am sorry I wasn't there" prize."

Also, please remember to size your photos to be 1440 pixels wide and 1050 high, adding black padding as necessary. This will help avoid problems with incorrect cropping when photos are projected at the meeting. TRIP REPORTS We love having one or two people share their dive experiences at the beginning of meetings, so if you have a short trip report (about 5 minutes) you'd like to share, please e-mail the webmaster.