
Please join us on Wednesday, February 21st at 7:30 pm, at the Natural History Museum (room TBD).

In 2003 an alluring creature was spotted deep in the blue waters of Catalina Island crawling across the shipwreck of the Valiant. Thus began the homecoming of Felimare californiensis, an animal vanished from its namesake for twenty years. That very summer Craig Hoover slipped back into the cool waters of Malibu furnished with only a noseguardless mask, rejuvenating a life-long fascination with living things by employing childhood skill in this unexplored realm. Through myriad adventures Craig became an underwater photographer. Documentation of biodiversity through the lens eventually focused on the quest to understand a single animal, Felimare californiensis. Come to February's meeting to hear this intertwining of the fates and how the study of this sea slug is another step towards uniting the old world and the new.



February Competition:

Please see our submission instructions.  Entries due by 11:59pm Monday, February 19.

Video entries may also be brought on thumb drive*** to the meeting, or you can  send them via email (, Dropbox, WeTransfer, or other method.

***If you are entering a video that you are bringing in on a thumb drive, you must declare your intended entry by Monday midnight, so we will know whether we are able to have both open and novice competitions or a single combined category.


Stills  - "Ambient Light" Click here to see all the winning images

1st Place Open – Kelly Bracken
2nd Place Open – Kevin Lee
3rd Place Open  – Cameron Azad

1st Place Novice – Jeanette Despal
2nd Place Novice – Susy Horowitz
3rd Place Novice – Jeanette Despal


Video - 5-minute Edited

1st Place Open - Anastasia Laity, "God's Pocket"
2nd Place Open - Dwight Crumb, "Super Solomons"



November 1st Place: Kelly Bracken